Last week we collected and visualised the data for the local elections. To be complete, we have now scraped the European election results and made a Tableau visualisation of them.
The electoral process is different for the European Elections, as it is a form of Proportional Representation. Also, the results are more widely scattered on the map, this makes it more difficult to visualise and I think this makes it less clear than the Local Elections.
One thing I’ve added is a table showing the percentage of the vote per party for each of the electoral areas on the map. Because the numbers of people voting varies so much across areas this table is probably the best for seeing where particular parties are strongest. See if you can guess where UKIP got the highest proportion of votes in the West Midlands…..
If I get time, it would be nice to code the maps with LeafletJS as it has better panning. If you click and hold on the map below for a couple of seconds you will, eventually, be able to move the map around.
As for the local elections, the raw data is stored in the Open Data West Midlands Store.
The results were collated well but i would like the end totals of each column to tell the voters concerned thanks Eileen